Cloud software for small and medium travel agencies and small tour operators

Hotel content

Hotel content

Destination (country and city), hotel name, category, location on map, location within the city, pictures, description, hotel facilities, room facilities, ratings and reviews.

Destination mapping

Countries and cities can be mapped between multiple suppliers using our mapping database or make your own mappings using advanced built in algoritms.

Hotel mapping

Hotels can be mapped between multiple suppliers using our mapping database or make your own mappings using advanced built in algoritms.

Search engine

Search criteria for destination (autocomplete for cities and countries), number of rooms, rooms arrangements (number of adults and number of children), check in, number of nights or check out.

Result filtering

Filter result list by map, location within the city, stars, hotel type, hotel facilities, room facilities, meal type, budget.

Dynamic packaging

Search simultaneously for hotel and flight. The list will have packages with the best flight packaged with all the hotels. The flight can be changed from the list or from hotel details.

Ratings and reviews

Set up own rating and review system or integrate a well known rating and review system such as Trip Advisor.

Cancellation policies

For an accurate sale the system updates, applies and shows the cancellation policies from the supplier on hotel details just before making the final booking.

Credit card payment

For both B2C and B2B channels the system can integrate global or local credit card processor. Together with back office integration and autoinvoicing all the documents are issued when paid online.

B2B bookings

The bookings made on the B2B channel can be done with payment by credit card or can be done without payment within a credit limit set up for the reseller.

B2B rates

On the B2B channel based on reseller level the system allows to set up different rates.


When integrated with back office the autoinvoicing feature will automatically issue the invoice when a new booking is done online. If the booking is paid online the voucher will be issued too.

Issue voucher

Depending on supplier the voucher can be issued automatically or manually in the system or it can be imported form the supplier system or email.